International Digital Marketing College

 This Member Code of Practice is a guide of principles designed to help us as professionals conduct ourselves with integrity. It describes the expectation that we have of ourselves and our fellow practitioners worldwide. It articulates the ideals to which we aspire as well as the behavior that are mandatory behaviors in our professional and voluntary roles.

  • Members are expected to act in the best interest of the School, as a profession, and in accordance with the constitution and by-laws of the school with international best practices.
  • Members are expected to exercise honesty, objectivity, integrity, respect, accountability, responsibility and diligence in the performance of their duties and responsibilities.
  • Members are expected to perform their duties in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and technical standards, complying with both their specifics and intent.
  • Members shall not knowingly engage in acts or activities that are discreditable to my profession or to my organization.
  • Members are expected to cooperate with all the organization and individuals engaged in activities which promote the development and standings in the School.
  • Members are expected to pay their annual membership subscription every year.
  • Members are expected to avoid conflicts of interest, or the appearance of such, and will disclose any circumstances or interests that might influence judgment and objectivity.
  • Members shall not to accept anything of value from an employee, client, customer, supplier, or business associate of their organization that could impair or be presumed to impair their professional judgment
  • Members shall at all times ensure that my client’s or organizational information is treated in strict confidence.
  • Members are expected to present accurately and honestly all facts essential to the client’s or employer’s materials management decisions.
  • Members are expected to have a positive duty at all times to respect the truth and shall not disseminate false or misleading information.
  • Members are expected to comply with both the letter and the intent of the laws of the country in which I practice and agreed contractual obligations.
  • That I make this pledge in good faith and in accordance with the policy of the School.
  • Members shall at all times refrain from discrediting other professionals / disciplines.
  • Members are expected to use funds appropriately and in accordance with the constitution and by-laws.