International Digital Marketing College

International Digital Marketing College is a professional examining body, voluntary organization for  managers, marketing managers, Marketer (Traditional & Digital) as well as the business innovation management sectors.

Our focus is on developing professional business innovators, innovation marketer, sales professionals  marketer and business managers.

We do this through our membership and qualifications programs to help individuals develop knowledge, skills, build successful careers, and fulfill their potential.

International Digital Marketing College™ was founded by a small group of professionals with the objective of developing and promoting the profession of Digital Marketing. International Digital Marketing College is an International examining  certification body that exists to provide high quality, cost effective, internationally recognized examining  certification, it’s also established in United Kingdom.

Objectives of the Institute

To improve the quality and effectiveness of Digital Marketing professionals and to enhance the value added from the profession; by developing certifications and standards

To stimulate and assist in the establishment and development of Digital Marketing educational centers worldwide in accordance with global standards;

To create a global network for Digital Marketing practitioners and organizations promoting affordable and consistent digital marketing system and advocating for lean profession;

To support or represent Digital Marketing practitioners around the world;

To commission or create, collect and disseminate research that broadens understanding of Digital Marketing and development issues; Provide  professional certifications in accordance with global standards such as Certified Digital Marketer, Certified Social Media Manager, Certified Digital Marketing Professional, Certified Digital Marketing Specialist, Certified Digital Sales Professional , Certified Master in Digital Marketing, Assist in facilitating self-financing international study trips, organize self-financing international conferences, Encourage exchange of research reports by members, promote the voluntary exchange of academics and professional publications (such as journals, periodicals, bibliographies, etc); Encourage the development of codes of ethics for graduates. organization for  managers, marketing managers, Marketer (Traditional Digital) as well as the business innovation management sectors.

Our focus is on developing professional business innovators, innovation marketer, sales professionals  marketer and business managers.

We do this through our membership and qualifications programs to help individuals develop knowledge, skills, build successful careers, and fulfill their potential.

Members Globally
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Certification Isssued
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